12 March 2016

"Best way to not get your heart broken is pretend you don't have one"

Getting over someone is like singing in the shower first thing in the morning and sounding good, but how many people actually do that? Which is another way of saying do we actually ever get over the people we fall in love with? 

Break up's can be extremely difficult; especially when he/she was your twirling pocket sized star and when you were together it felt like dancing. For that to be taking away rapidly is difficult. 

The worst part of a break up is the time where you have to build the bridge and run over it. My question is do you ever actually reach the end? 

There's always that one family member that will use the quote "To get over one you get under another" or if they’re classy they'll say, "find another" but potato patatoe, its the worst advice ever. After a break up the last thing you feel like doing is going on an awkward first date with a typical fuckboi. 

Its so hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember, you want them but you also want to get over them but neither of these things are happening. At the start it's constant drunk communication, drowning your hangovers in ice cream and chocolate because your emotions are heightened, social media stalking that never actually stops. 

As weeks/months go on, you’re lying to yourself and others that you’re nearly to the end of the bridge. But who are you kidding, the end of the bridge isn't even made yet and if you try go any faster you'll fall of. Don't lie to yourself, you are 100% still deleting your search history of Facebook and Instagram because you don't want other people seeing that looking at his page makes you weak and not at the knees way. 

Another few weeks go by and your coming to the conclusion that it didn't work because it wasn't right, and then there’s the rediscovering the best parts of being single, which takes time, because your heart turns to stone and even someone asking you on a date makes you feel lousy (elaborate on the charlie sheen title here).

Don't worry I'm not here to be bring back thoughts of you and your ex, but to tell you the benefits of it. 

Maybe we never actually do get over them, and if they ever text you in the future it will always be the hardest thing ever to say no because a part of you will always love them, but what we need to think of is the benefits, and the lessons we learn from it. 

Most people I have met recently that have become single, are much more positive now. Being negative for the first few weeks is normal and your not going insane, don't worry. Most people try and become a better person, now in my opinion I don't know whether that’s a good thing if your just trying to prove yourself to that person but either or, its still a benefit. 

Eventually there comes a time where you get platic drunk, and your crying to your friend because you love her dearly and not the fact that your still in love with your ex and want to go home. I think we make break up's so difficult because we built this large scenario in our heads of how our future will pan out, and how our plans will go and BOOM, a tsunami happens and all your plans and scenarios have been washed away. 

Starting fresh is daunting, but so is planning the future with someone because nobody knows what will happen. Should we stop planning things, and just live in the moment. 


Do we learn more when we plan our future and end up being let down or hurt every time something doesn't work out? 

Lets just all agree with Zayn Malik; "There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on."