15 April 2016

10 quotes you should always remember

Recently, being positive has become a big part of my life. I’m a firm believer of positive thoughts create positive things. I've adjusted my lifestyle a drastic amount, being on the journey of becoming fitter and getting my body to look the way I want it to. I've started reading a lot more then I use to and changing my favorite genres to broaden my way of thinking and help to become more creative. Trying to forget and get rid of any negative and bad vibes.

1. Go after dreams, not people.

My first every serious relationship was long distance, it was tough but I guess distance makes the heart grow stronger and you can't help who you fall in love with. This quote means a lot to me because I would of went above and beyond for this person whether it meant settling down to start a family or any of the sorts. I would of done and not thought twice about it. But now as my obsession with that person slowly disappears into the thin air, I know it was wrong. I've learned that your dreams and what you want to experience should always come first, and if somebody is holding you back from that whether they choose to or not then its not right. I always look a few years ahead and see myself still in this relationship but stuck and not happy because I would of never done what I wanted to. Don't get me wrong I would still do anything for this person, but with a better mind and healed heart I think back on many decisions I was going to agree with without thinking about myself and I now gasp at how my life would/could of been very different. I've learned to go after what I want from now on, because happiness is found within. 

2. Love yourself and the rest will follow.

Since I'm a little girl my family would tell me "if you don't love yourself, who will." to a certain extent I agree with this and obviously I'm forever grateful to be around people all my life that showed and told me its ok to love yourself. As a suffering of anxiety and slight depression through my teenager years it’s hard to learn to love yourself. I suppose when your an adolescent your constantly making mistakes and trying to learn from them. I guess with social media now days, it's also hard for people to forget about peoples mistakes or there own. This refers back to me looking after my mind and body more. I'm not trying to impress anyone but myself, loving yourself is the hardest thing you can ever do, but when you do you will become invisible. At least if you love yourself, you are whole even when or if you are or feel alone. 

3. You only fail, if you quit.

People, who know me, will probably tell you I quit stuff way to easily. Even when I was younger, I would join activities and constantly go for a month or two and quit because I wouldn't think I was good enough or someone was always better. I now realise that I failed at all them things because I quit and never pushed myself to be the best. I lacked a major amount of confidence and still do to this day. But quitting just isn't good enough for me anymore. People may not think it but personally I've come along great the last two years. It has been a constant battle trying to figure out what I want to do as a career and suffer through a course I absolutely resent. A part of me believes that my lack of confidence has took me a step back from enjoying the course and getting the best I can out of it. But it’s being a constant battle of wanting to quit everyday but not doing so. I can now be proud and say I didn't quit and even if my results aren't exactly gradable or what I hoped to achieve and can look back at the experience and said I didn't fail because I didn't quit.

4. You are capable of more than you know. 

If you believe in yourself and never give up you'll be a winner. A lot of times I've had people put me down for multiple reasons and I always believed them. Believing in yourself is such an important key in life. I think if you don't believe in yourself nobody will. The women I am now has nothing on the woman that I am about to become, whether you don’t see a difference at all and I only see a small one, I'm learning and growing everyday. What ever I choose to do or become or want I am capable of doing so x1000. If you believe you can your half way there.

5. It always seems impossible until it’s done. 

Life is exhausting at times. When you start something knew it constantly seems impossible. Its like learning how to ride a bike, them stabilizers had your life depending on them. Eventually we would get too old and want to learn how to go without and your parents would let go after giving you a little push and as soon as the smile on your face grows bigger and you get excited you crash and run back home crying because all your friends can ride there bikes and its "impossible" for you to. The outcome would be you keep trying and in no time your cycling around with no hands. Nothing is impossible; there is no such thing as impossible. If you break it up it's actually 

I’m possible. 

6. Nothing worth having comes easy. 

Everyone wants to be successful until they see what it takes. I know its exhausting when its a few years going by and your nowhere near you want to be in life, but if it's what you really want you just have to keep going. If you don't suffer through the process then your game will. The longer you wait for something and the more work you put into it then the more you'll appreciate it, the more you can say to people that you deserve it. Just remember great things never came from comfort zones. 

7. Sometimes plan but sometimes wing it. 

Being a 20-year-old girl, it’s hard to know exactly what I want out of life. Other then I know one day I want to say I worked really hard of where I've become and I'm successful in all aspects. I was upset and constantly worried that I didn't know what I wanted to do I didn't look at any other options. Still not knowing what I want to do, I'm winging it. I've got a job, and I'm just going to see what happens. I suppose planning is a good idea sometimes, but its ok to go out of bounds. We might as well enjoy life while it lasts, and not have to worry constantly about plans we have for the future. Its good to go of track, but you can always hop back on. We are here for a good time, not a long time. 

8. No regrets. 

I suppose everybody regrets something in there life. Life is too short to regret everything you've done wrong. You take that regret and you learn from it, just never do anything like it again. You then throw it in the past and focus on the present. The world will judge you no matter what you do so you may as well live it the way you would like. I believe my fuck ups are most valuable possessions. I would much rather have a life of oh wells than what if's. I would much rather be able to tell stories of my oh wells and laugh about them in a few years time. Don't obsess over something you can't change and definitely focus on what you can. Everything in life is a building experience. Don't regret anything that ever made you smile & be so busy loving your life that there is no time for hate, regret or fear.

9. Your only limit is you. 

The only thing stopping you from doing anything is yourself. Remember strength doesn't come from what you can do; it comes from what you didn't think you could do. Strength comes from over coming obstacles, dark times, and bad situations and struggles you thought it was impossible to get past. Strength comes from within you. You achieve what you believe. 

10. Everyone’s journey is different. 

Not everyone’s path takes the same amount of time. Some take longer, and its ok if the progress is slower. Just remember every tomorrow will be better than every yesterday. When you fall you just pick yourself back up and keep going as many times as it takes. This path has no end; it’s not a race. Not all flowers blossom at the same time. Go at your own pace. Speed doesn't matter, because forward is forward. Just remember to smile and enjoy the roller coaster. 
Don't be afraid to be you. Always inhale the good and exhale the bad. Negative thinking will not lead to a positive life. Be so happy that when others look at you they become happy to. Everyone knows smiles are contagious, so just keep smiling. 

If you smile the whole world smiles with you, but if you cry you cry on your own.