10 November 2014


Ive being writing a lot lately since I’m studying journalism in college but I’m not here to write about that. I’m here to talk about anxiety and how I only realized when I started college how many people suffer with it.

So well I got a article to do in college and well I was told to do it by my college co-ordinator on anxiety because well I’m a sufferer. God.. I say that like I’m dying.

My first day of college didn’t really go as planned. Obviously everyone’s nervous because it’s a fresh start and there’s a slight chance you won’t know anyone. Well we can just say my nervousness went to a whole new level. I told myself Id go to bed early because well if I stayed awake any longer I would of thought of dreadful things. When I got up obviously I wanted to look nice and respectable so I put nice kind of dressy but casual clothes on and off I went.

When I got into the class it was filling up slowly but surely but by only with boys and then that’s when the anxiety start kicking in. I’ve experienced being the only girl in a class before trust me its not good. Eventually 7 girls joined my class and I sighed with relief. Class started and the co-ordinator hands out a sheet of paper to everyone asking them to write down a quote of some kind that they’ve read that means something to them, and when were finished he’ll ask people to read it out. So I was sitting there and my whole mind went blank, heart start racing honestly it felt like it was coming out of my mouth. Worse thing I could of done was look around and see everyone else writing absolute essays but I did and then realized I was scratching at my collar bone (sign when I’m nervous). I was so uptight and worried about reading something out loud that I couldn’t think of anything to write down so I was sitting there with a blank page in front of me. Then I get called into the opposite classroom for sitting there with nothing wrote down and off course the tears start flowing and I’m skipping breaths because well it feels like my throat is closing. ANXIETY IS A GREAT THING I SWEAR! So I had to do some research and obviously a few interviews that made me think not so sorry for myself.

Social anxiety affects approximately one in eight Irish adults and generally surfaces in adolescence or early adulthood. It is more common in women than men. 13% of the general population suffers from some form of social anxiety, a severely debilitating emotional problem. The majority of people with social anxiety don't know they have it. They think there is something wrong with them, but they don't know what it is. Trust me I honestly thought I was dying.

Starting college is hard for young people and is even tougher if you suffer from anxiety. Most of us when starting college feel being a child is so much easier and prefer to hide in their handmade fort coloring a picture of Barney. I can put my hand up and say ‘I’m guilty for thinking of that.’

There are various types of symptoms an anxiety sufferer can have. It effects people differently. The most frequent ones are:

• Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness.
• Problems sleeping.
• Cold or sweaty hands.
• Shortness of breath.
• Heart palpitations.
• An inability to be still and calm.
• Dry mouth.
• Panic disorder

"Nobody understands what’s happening not even me. I feel like I’m going mental.” Annoymous male 19.

A young male sufferer I interviewed,(31) said “I think it stems from the fact that as a society we now communicate more via technology, than face to face. So when people have to talk to one another and someone can actually see your facial reactions, it causes anxiety. Anxiety is a post industrial revolution disorder.  It didn’t exist before people were segregated from each other with rules and regulations. We live in fear and anxiety because we are constantly being told we are not good enough.”

Most students who suffer with anxiety in secondary school find it difficult to learn to like education, let alone finish college. Having panic attacks in front of people you don’t know -- no matter how minor they appear - is embarrassing and on the first day or week of college nobody wants that to happen. First impressions are essential. Lets just say I didn’t make the first impression I dreamed off.

When dealing with anxiety try taking a deep breath.
The key is to accept your anxiety, which doesn’t mean liking it. Realize your brain is playing tricks on you. Question your thoughts.
When you’re anxious most of your worries are unrealistic.
Stop and think that nobody has actually died doing a presentation. Well I don’t think so?
The worst thing that can happen is you stutter or trip on the way up, but by tomorrow everyone will have completely forgotten about it. Nobody actually knows what’s going on inside your body or how nervous you are so try your best to not show it. Its easier said then done.

Be positive. Anxiety can produce a lot of negative chatter. The only way to get rid of the negativity is think of everything as an achievement. I was told there only a few weeks ago that I’ve a very negative mindset and trying to change that is so hard because its who I am.. but I’m trying my best.

Tom Corboy, the founder and executive director of the OCD Center of Los Angeles, said “The worst thing you can do when anxious is to passively sit around obsessing about how you feel. Doing what needs to be done teaches you key lessons. Getting out of your head feels better; you’re able to live your life even though you’re anxious. The bottom line is, get busy with the business of life. Don’t sit around focusing on being anxious – nothing good will come of that.”

As Navid Moazzez said: “Act before you’re ready to act."

You all reading this will probably all think I’m weird writing about this but I interviewed this girl and her exact words were,“The awareness of the condition and people being more understanding of the condition is so helpful.” People need to know that its not ok to laugh at someone if they make a mistake at a presentation, or to interrupt them to slow down when there reading aloud. A smile can hide a lot.. anxiety to me is a silent problem.. unless I didn’t cry or get panic attacks then nobody would know that my hearts beating so fast I can hear it. 
