07 January 2016

Another new year, Another fresh start

I think we can all say that we’ve made a new year’s resolution more than once but how many of us actually keep them. The new year is a good time to reflect and look back on your mistakes and maybe the resolutions you made last year but failed to keep. My resolution for 2015 was to become really fit and toned, you can probably guess that I’ve not come near the motivational picture I have on my mirror. I even joined two gyms thinking I would use them both but who was I kidding.

According to the University of Scranton only 8% of people achieve there resolutions, which is a ludicrous low success rate. The top new year’s resolutions are weight loss, habit quitting (I’m sure you could all name a few), financial discipline and organisation. While I write them down I can tell you my resolutions for this year include them all, which will probably make me a laughing stock this time next year, if I don’t achieve them.

I think it’s absurd that we make these huge goals for the upcoming year over some Christmas pudding and multiply shots of baby Guinness. I can safely say I’ve told a few and the next day I’ve no remembrance of me saying the words or anything like it.

I think that’s are problem, my resolution was way too big in 2015 and I never actually had a goal for the end of the year. Trying to get fit and be toned,  that could go on for years and by the time 2020 comes I’ll still be the exact same weight and maybe I’ll be eating a new and improved spicebag on my casual Friday night. Why don’t we choose smaller goals for a bigger outcome. Little and easier resolutions will be easier to achieve but still have a really good outcome and when you achieve them then who knows you might be determined to make another one.

Another problem of mine is that I’m the most impatient person. I won’t queue in shops, I hate waiting in traffic and from going the airport a lot lately the worst is queuing to check In your bag or security check. It will say 10 minutes wait on the screen but you’re easily waiting there about 15, and at 4 in the morning it’s not something to would like to be doing. That was my problem last year, I would work out continuously for about 1 month following a diet plan and see no results and then give up because “well” it wouldn’t be working. That’s what we all need is patience, just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t.

I know how daunting it can be to have a new year’s resolution list that’s as long your mothers shopping list or a spoiled child’s list at Christmas, but maybe if there small and achievable then you’ll only have a smaller one next year. If you’re anything like me my list gets bigger every year because the year before resolutions were not achieved.

The distance between dreams and reality Is action. We can’t say we will or won’t change are ways this year because we don’t know what will happen, but all I can is at the end of 2016 we will all be still fabulous.