08 January 2015

Life would be so much easier if..

Do you's ever feel like running away from reality and just forgetting about all your problems for a little while? I do. Everyday! I wake up and think about every single country I haven't seen yet or country's I haven't heard off.. And I wonder about how many people are living in that country and if there's a person in a city thinking the exact same as me. 

I hope one day I'll be able to get up and this particular day have like a million problems or worries on my mind and just leave them behind for a little while. Just get up and leave. To exit the world and my reality. To just see what it's like to be a nobody in a known world and build an alter ego.

Alter Ego's.. That's what draws me to travelling on my own because nobody knows your story. You could be anyone you wanted to be. All your mistakes and problems could be forgotten about. Nobody can say "aw remember that one night, you got so drunk you... " (I'll Let you finish that sentence). And Ye it could be the stupidest thing ever like falling in the middle of the dance floor but if there was one thing you could do it would be to go back and stop yourself from falling.  Alter ego's are a way of escaping who you are. I ask the same question myself.. Why would people not want to show who they are? Why does everyone have something they hate about themselves?

wonder why everyone belongs to somewhere but everyone ends up hating where they belong.. All we see is "I hate living here" "Ireland's sucks" and we think all foreign country's are this different world. But there more than likely the same just different lifestyles. But maybe they think the same. Maybe they look at Ireland as a completely different planet because are cultures are completely different. I'll never ask anyone "why would you move here?" Again.. Because maybe they were running away from there reality. Maybe there just getting away for awhile because there world has become too hectic to handle or maybe.. They never found there world were they were born and our overhyped, shitty world suits there world better. Maybe our world is an alter ego of their world.